Stratix® 10 Configuration User Guide

ID 683762
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents Updating Decision Firmware

This section describes scenario when you must update the decision firmware in flash memory.

The RSU image consists of decision firmware, factory image, application image 1, and application image 2. Starting with Quartus® Prime software version 21.1, if you use an RSU image generated prior to Quartus® Prime software version 21.1, you must update the decision firmware with the Quartus® Prime software version 21.1 or later if you plan to deploy factory or application images from Quartus® Prime software version 21.1 or later.

You can choose to only update decision firmware or update decision firmware along with the factory image.

  • To update decision firmware and the factory image, run the following command to generate the RSU image:
    quartus_pfg –c <input.sof> <output.rpd> -o mode=ASx4 -o rsu_upgrade=ON
  • To update decision firmware only, run the following command to generate the RSU image:
    quartus_pfg –c <input.sof> <output.rpd> -o mode=ASx4 -o rsu_upgrade=ON -o firmware_only=ON

You can also use a combined application image to update decision firmware or decision firmware data in flash. For more information, refer to the Combined Application Images section in the Stratix® 10 Hard Processors System Remote System Update User Guide.

Typically, you update the decision firmware after the .rpd file is created as described in the Updates with the Factory Update Image.