Stratix® 10 Configuration User Guide

ID 683762
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.5.2. MSEL Settings

After power-on MSEL[2:0] pins specify the configuration scheme for Stratix® 10 devices. Use 4.7-kΩ resistors to pull the MSEL[2:0] pins up to VCCIO_SDM or down to ground as required by the MSEL[2:0] setting for your configuration scheme.

Figure 8. MSEL Pull-Up and Pull-Down Circuit Diagram
Table 7.  MSEL Settings for Each Configuration Scheme of Stratix® 10 Devices
Configuration Scheme MSEL[2:0]
Avalon-ST (x32) 000
Avalon-ST (x16) 101
Avalon-ST (x8) 110
AS (Fast mode – for CvP)5 device begins to access it. 001
AS (Normal mode)6. 011
JTAG only7 111

5 If you use AS Fast mode, you must ramp all power supplies to the recommended operating condition within 10 ms. This ramp up requirement ensures that the AS x4 device is within its operating voltage range when the Stratix® 10
6 If you use AS Normal mode, you must fully ramp the VCCIO_SDM supply to the recommended operating condition within 10 ms
7 JTAG configuration works with any valid MSEL settings, unless disabled for security.