Stratix® 10 Configuration User Guide

ID 683762
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents Configuration Pins I/O Standard, Drive Strength, and IBIS Model

Table 9.   Stratix® 10 Configuration Pins I/O Standard, Drive Strength, and IBIS Model
Configuration Pin Function Direction I/O Standard Drive Strength (mA) IBIS Model
TDO Output 1.8V LVCMOS 8 18_io_d8s1_sdm_lv
TMS Input Schmitt Trigger Input 18_in_sdm_lv
TCK Input Schmitt Trigger Input 18_in_sdm_lv
TDI Input Schmitt Trigger Input 18_in_sdm_lv
nSTATUS Output 1.8V LVCMOS 8 18_io_d8s1_sdm_lv
OSC_CLK_1 Input Schmitt Trigger Input 18_in_sdm_lv
nCONFIG Input Schmitt Trigger Input 18_in_sdm_lv
SDM_IO[16:0] I/O Schmitt Trigger Input or 1.8V LVCMOS 8

Input: 18_in_sdm_lv

Output: 18_io_d8s1_sdm_lv

AVST_DATA[31:0], AVST_CLK, AVST_VALID I/O Schmitt Trigger Input or 1.8V LVCMOS 8

Input: 18_in_sdm_lv

Output: 18_io_d8s1_sdm_lv

You can download the IBIS models from the IBIS Models for Intel Devices web page. The Quartus® Prime software does not support IBIS model generation for configuration pins in the current release.

Unused SDM Pins

You can specify other functions on unused SDM pins in the Quartus® Prime software.