Stratix® 10 Configuration User Guide

ID 683762
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents Restricting Security Features

Attention: The -V device does not support device attestation and anti-tamper security features. If you are using these security features, you must select a non-V device.

For a non-V device, when you use attestation or anti-tamper security features, you cannot use the conditional public key entry or the owner root key virtual fusing security features. Similarly, if you need to use conditional public key entry or the virtual fusing, you cannot turn on device attestation or anti-tamper security features in your design.

Table 4.  Available Security Features for a Non-V Device
Security Features Attestation / Anti-Tamper
On Off
Conditional public key entry Not supported Supported
Owner root key virtual fusing Not supported Supported

If you need to turn on or off the anti-tamper or attestation features in your design, you do not need to recompile your design. You can regenerate the .sof file by selecting the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Processing > Start > Start Assembler menu.