Stratix® 10 Configuration User Guide

ID 683762
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents Implementing Multiple Pages in the Flash .pof

The Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP stores configuration data in a maximum of eight pages in a flash memory block.

The total number of pages and the size of each page depends on the flash density. Here are some guidelines for storing your designs to pages:

  • Always store designs for different FPGA chains on different pages.
  • You may choose store different designs for a FPGA chain on a single page or on multiple pages.
  • When you choose to store the designs for a FPGA chain on a single page, the design order must match the JTAG chain device order.

Use the generated .sof to create a flash memory device .pof. The following address modes are available for the .sof to .pof conversion:

  • Block mode—allows you to specify the start and end addresses for the page.
  • Start mode—allows you to specify only the start address. The start address for each page must be on an 8 KB boundary. If the first valid start address is 0×000000, the next valid start address is an increment of 0×2000.
  • Auto mode—allows the Quartus® Prime software to automatically determine the start address of the page. The Quartus® Prime software aligns the pages on a 128 KB boundary. If the first valid start address is 0x000000, the next valid start address is an multiple of 0x20000.