Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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1.5. Viewing a Platform Designer System

Platform Designer allows you to visualize all aspects of your system. By default, Platform Designer displays the contents of your system in the System View tab whenever you open a system. You can also access other tabs that allow you to view and modify various elements of the system.

When you select or edit an item in one Platform Designer tab, all other tabs update to reflect your selection or edit. For example, if you select the cpu_0 in the Hierarchy tab, the Parameters tab immediately updates to display cpu_0 parameters.

Click the View menu to interact with the elements of your system in various tabs.

  • The System View , Address Map, Exported Interfaces, and Details tabs display in the central pane.
  • By default, the IP Catalog and Filter tabs appear to the left of the System View tab.
  • Parameters, System Info, and Component Instantiation tabs appear to the right of the System View tab when you open them.
  • The System Messages and Generation Messages tabs display in the lower portion of Platform Designer.
Figure 19.  Platform Designer GUI

The Platform Designer GUI is fully customizable. You can arrange and display Platform Designer GUI elements that you most commonly use, and then save and reuse useful GUI layouts.