Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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1.23. Running System Scripts

The System Scripting tab allows you to enter, save, and execute Tcl scripts on your Platform Designer system. The tab includes a selection of provided scripts, as well as support for storage and retrieval of your own scripts.
Follow these steps to enter, save, and execute Tcl scripts on your Platform Designer system:
  1. To open the System Scripting tab, click View > System Scripting.
    Figure 119. System Scripting Tab
  2. For User Scripts or Project Scripts, click <<add script>> to add a new script file to this entry. You can drag items between the Project Scripts and User Scripts fields.
  3. To add additional commands to run before the script, right-click the column header and enable Additional Commands. Selecting this option displays a third column, in addition to File and Description. Double-click the entry in this field to add commands to execute before running your script. Alternatively, you can add the additional commands to your script, directly through the display pane in the middle, in the specified section.

The System Scripting tab provides the following fields:

Table 32.  System Scripting Tab Options
Name Description
Platform Designer Built-in Scripts Lists non-editable scripts that Platform Designer provides.
User Scripts You can add your own scripts to this entry. Platform Designer saves these scripts to your user preference file, available in your home directory. The scripts that you add to this entry are available every time you open Platform Designer.
Project Scripts You can add your own scripts to this entry. Platform Designer saves these scripts to your current system. The scripts that you add to this entry are available only when you open this specific Platform Designer system.
Edit File Selecting the script in the File field displays the script in the pane below. Click Edit File to edit the script.
Revert File Discards all your changes to the edited file.
Save File Saves your changes to the edited file.
Run Script Executes the selected script.
System Scripting Messages Displays the warning and error messages when running the script.