Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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1.21. Sharing Platform Designer Packaged Subsystems

You can readily share or reuse a Platform Designer system by creating a packaged subsystem. The packaged subsystem combines everything about the pre-verified and parameterized system into a single, compressed, and portable .qcp file for reuse in other Platform Designer systems.

You or another packaged subsystem user can instantiate the packaged subsystem into another Platform Designer system to comprise the complete or partial system. The packaged subsystem author can disable viewing or modification by other users. This packaged subsystem flow simplifies the reuse and sharing of subsystems across multiple projects or designers.

The packaged subsystem author first defines all properties of the packaged subsystem in Platform Designer, including system components, connections, parameters, and supporting files. The packaged subsystem author next uses the New Packaged Subsystem command in Platform Designer's IP Catalog to save the current open system as a packaged subsystem. You can optionally include supporting RTL or other files in the packaged subsystem.

Once created, the packaged subsystem appears under Project in IP Catalog and the .qcp file appears in the location you specify. You can reuse and share the packaged subsystem by simply sharing the .qcp file.

Figure 106. Packaged Subsystem Available in IP Catalog for Instantiation

The following procedures describe how to create, instantiate, and revise a packaged subsystem. For detailed instructions using an example design, refer to AN 1002: Sharing Platform Designer Packaged Subsystems.