Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents

1.21.2. Terminology for Packaged Subsystems

Table 28.  Packaged Subsystems Terminology
Term Description
Packaged Subsystem

A packaged subsystem combines everything about a Platform Designer system into a single, compressed .qcp file for sharing and reuse in other Platform Designer systems. The packaged subsystem author can optionally lock the packaged subsystem for viewing or modification by the packaged subsystem user.

Packaged Subsystem Author

The creator of a Platform Designer packaged subsystem that saves a system or subsystem as a packaged subsystem (.qcp) for sharing and reuse. The packaged subsystem author can set the UNLOCKABLE property to prevent or permit packaged subsystem editing for packaged subsystem users.

Packaged Subsystem Sharing

A packaged subsystem author can share a package subsystem with a packaged subsystem user by sharing the packaged subsystem .qcp file or by providing the IP search path for the user to specify when launching Platform Designer.

Packaged Subsystem User

Reuses a packaged subsystem by instantiating and connecting it to other components in another Platform Designer system. The packaged subsystem user may be able to modify the parameters or unlock the packaged subsystem for full editing control, depending on the packaged subsystem author specifications.

Package-level parameters Parameters that appear in the parameter editor GUI when the packaged subsystem user instantiates or selects the packaged subsystem.
run_system_script An important command for modifying the internal system inside a subsystem, run_system_script runs Platform Designer scripting commands such that all commands within curly braces run as separate scripts.

A standard unpackaged subsystem that you create in Platform Designer of the file type .qsys.

Subcomponent parameters

Parameters of the components of a packaged subsystem.

System A standard top-level system that you create in Platform Designer of the file type .qsys.
Divable The packaged subsystem author can use the DIVABLE property to specify whether the packaged subsystem user can dive in and view the internals of the packaged subsystem.

The packaged subsystem author can use the UNLOCKABLE property to specify whether the packaged subsystem user can unlock the packaged subsystem for full editing control.