Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Defining Preset Pin Assignments in Pin Assignments Tab

The Pin Assignments tab allows you to specify the Exported Name of the signals, to select the appropriate Pin Location, and to select the appropriate IO Standard for the target board.

By default, the Exported Name name takes the form of:

module_name + interface_name + pin_role

For example:


You can change the Exported Name by double-clicking on the Exported Name for the interface and typing a new name. All of the signals of the interface then update automatically to reflect the name you specify.

Figure 45. Pin Assignments Tab

For example, typing led for the external_connection interface updates the signals of the interface to led_export[n]. The external_connection is the interface name, and external_connection_export(0) is the signal name.