Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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3.3.4. Create an HDL File in the Platform Designer Component Editor

If you do not have an HDL file for your component, you can use the Platform Designer Component Editor to define the component signals, interfaces, and parameters of your component, and then create a simple top-level HDL file.

You can then edit the HDL file to add the logic that describes the component's behavior.

  1. In the Platform Designer Component Editor, specify the information about the component in the Signals & Interfaces, and Interfaces, and Parameters tabs.
  2. Click the Files tab.
  3. Click Create Synthesis File from Signals.
    The Component Editor creates an HDL file from the specified signals, interfaces, and parameters, and the .v file appears in the Synthesis File table.