Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Avalon® Streaming Demultiplexer IP Parameters

You can configure the following parameters for the demultiplexer:

  • Number of Output Ports—The number of output interfaces that the multiplexer supports Valid values are 2 to 16.
  • High channel bits select output—When this option is turned on, the demultiplexing function uses the high bits of the input channel signal, and the low order bits are passed to the output. When this option is turned off, the demultiplexing function uses the low order bits, and the high order bits are passed to the output.

Where you place the signals in your design affects the functionality; for example, there is one input interface and two output interfaces. If the low-order bits of the channel signal select the output interfaces, the even channels go to channel 0, and the odd channels go to channel 1. If the high-order bits of the channel signal select the output interface, channels 0 to 7 go to channel 0 and channels 8 to 15 go to channel 1.

Figure 280. Select Bits for the Demultiplexer