Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Declare Parameters with Custom _hw.tcl Commands

The example below illustrates a custom _hw.tcl file, with more advanced parameter commands than those generated when you specify parameters in the Component Editor. Commands include the ALLOWED_RANGES property to provide a range of values for the AXI_ADDRESS_W (Address Width) parameter, and a list of parameter values for the AXI_DATA_W (Data Width) parameter. This example also shows the parameter AXI_NUMBYTES (Data width in bytes) parameter; that uses the DERIVED property. In addition, these commands illustrate the use of the GROUP property, which groups some parameters under a heading in the parameter editor GUI. You use the ENABLE_STREAM_OUTPUT_GROUP (Include Avalon streaming source port) parameter to enable or disable the optional Avalon® Streaming interface in this design, and is displayed as a check box in the parameter editor GUI because the parameter is of type BOOLEAN. Refer to figure below to see the parameter editor GUI resulting from these _hw.tcl commands.

Parameter Declaration

In this example, the AXI_NUMBYTES parameter is derived during the Elaboration phase based on another parameter, instead of being assigned to a specific value. AXI_NUMBYTES describes the number of bytes in a word of data. Platform Designer calculates the AXI_NUMBYTES parameter from the DATA_WIDTH parameter by dividing by 8. The _hw.tcl code defines the AXI_NUMBYTES parameter as a derived parameter, since its value is calculated in an elaboration callback procedure. The AXI_NUMBYTES parameter value is not editable, because its value is based on another parameter value.

add_parameter AXI_ADDRESS_W INTEGER 12

set_parameter_property AXI_ADDRESS_W DISPLAY_NAME \  
"AXI Subordinate Address Width"

set_parameter_property AXI_ADDRESS_W DESCRIPTION \  
"Address width."
set_parameter_property AXI_ADDRESS_W UNITS bits
set_parameter_property AXI_ADDRESS_W ALLOWED_RANGES 4:16
set_parameter_property AXI_ADDRESS_W HDL_PARAMETER true

set_parameter_property AXI_ADDRESS_W GROUP \          
"AXI Port Widths"

add_parameter AXI_DATA_W INTEGER 32
set_parameter_property AXI_DATA_W DISPLAY_NAME "Data Width"

set_parameter_property AXI_DATA_W DESCRIPTION \
"Width of data buses."

set_parameter_property AXI_DATA_W UNITS bits

set_parameter_property AXI_DATA_W ALLOWED_RANGES \   
{8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024}

set_parameter_property AXI_DATA_W HDL_PARAMETER true
set_parameter_property AXI_DATA_W GROUP "AXI Port Widths"

add_parameter AXI_NUMBYTES INTEGER 4
set_parameter_property AXI_NUMBYTES DERIVED true

set_parameter_property AXI_NUMBYTES DISPLAY_NAME \  
"Data Width in bytes; Data Width/8"

set_parameter_property AXI_NUMBYTES DESCRIPTION \    
"Number of bytes in one word"

set_parameter_property AXI_NUMBYTES UNITS bytes
set_parameter_property AXI_NUMBYTES HDL_PARAMETER true
set_parameter_property AXI_NUMBYTES GROUP "AXI Port Widths"


set_parameter_property ENABLE_STREAM_OUTPUT DISPLAY_NAME \
"Include Avalon Streaming Source Port"

set_parameter_property ENABLE_STREAM_OUTPUT DESCRIPTION \ 
"Include optional Avalon streaming source (default),\
or hide the interface"

set_parameter_property ENABLE_STREAM_OUTPUT GROUP \       
"Streaming Port Control"

Figure 140. Resulting Parameter Editor GUI from Parameter Declarations