Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Create New Board Dialog Box Options

The Create New Board dialog box allows you to specify the details about your target development board in Platform Designer. Platform Designer saves the board data in a board file (_board.xml). You define the details of the board and then reuse that board file for other projects that target the same board.
Note: Turning on Enable Board Generation in combination with either the Generate Presets for All IPs or Generate Presets for IPs Associated with External Ports causes the system presets to target the new board that you are creating. Turning on only Generate Presets for All IPs or Generate Presets for IPs Associated with External Ports with Enable Board Generation turned off causes the system presets to target the current board in Platform Designer.
Table 3.  Create New Board Dialog Box Settings
Setting Name Description
Enable Board Generation Turn on this option to generate a new board file (_board.xml) when you click the Save button. Leave this option off to generate only a system presets file (.qprs) based on the current system and target board. This option is on by default.
Name Specifies the name for the board file that appears in the Platform Designer Board Catalog.
Device family Select the target design family for the Platform Designer system. This setting reflects the current project settings by default.
Device part Select the target FPGA device part for the Platform Designer system. This setting reflects the current project settings by default.
Vendor Specifies the vendor of the target board, such as Intel. This setting is optional.
Version Specifies the version number of the board file, such as 2.0. This setting is optional.
Board file Specifies the name of the new board file that you are creating.
Preset Directory Specifies the file name and path of the new system preset file (.qprs) that generates when you click the Save button. If you instead select an existing preset file for this setting, that file is overwritten with the new preset parameter values.
Generate Presets for All IPs Turn on this option to enable presets generation for all IPs in a pre-existing Platform Designer system.
Generate Presets for IPs Associated with External Ports Turn on this option to enable presets generation for IPs with external ports only.
Save Creates (or overwrites) the board and preset files, according to your specifications in this dialog box.