Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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7.8. Parameterizing an Instantiated IP Core after save_system Command

When you call the save_system command in your Tcl script, Platform Designer converts all the instantiated IP cores in your system to generic components.
To modify these IP cores after saving your system, you must first load the actual component within the instantiated generic component. Re-parameterize an instantiated IP core using one of the following methods:
  1. Load the component in the Platform Designer system, modify the component's parameter value, and save the component:
    save_system kernel_system.qsys
    load_component cra_root
    set_component_parameter_value DATA_W 64 
  2. Load the .ip file specific to the component, modify the instance's parameter value, and save the .ip file:
    save_system kernel_system.qsys
    load_system cra_root.ip
    set_instance_parameter_value cra_root DATA_W 64 
    Note: To directly modify an instance parameter value after the save_system command, you must load the .ip file corresponding to the IP component.