Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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7.9. Validate the Generic Components in a System with qsys-validate

Use the qsys-validate utility to run IP component footprint validation on the .qsys file for the system.

Table 208.  qsys-validate Command-Line Options
Option Usage Description

1st arg file


The name of the .qsys system file to validate.



If omitted, Platform Designer uses a standard default path. If provided, Platform Designer searches a comma-separated list of paths. To include the standard path in your replacement, use "$", for example: /extra/dir.$.



Enables strict validation. All warnings are reported as errors



The maximum memory size Platform Designer uses for allocations when running qsys-edit. You specify this value as <size><unit>, where unit is m (or M) for multiples of megabytes, or g (or G) for multiples of gigabytes. The default value is 512m.



Display help for qsys-validate.