Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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1.18. Adding a System to an Quartus® Prime Project

Platform Designer requires that you to specify an associated Quartus® Prime project at time of system creation. After you specify the associated project, Platform Designer automatically adds any system or IP component that you generate to that project. You can also manually add a Platform Designer system or component to a project.

To add a Platform Designer system or component to an Quartus® Prime project, perform one or more of the following steps:

  1. In Platform Designer, specify the associated Quartus project when you create a system, or click File > Select Quartus Project to change this setting. Platform Designer automatically adds any system or IP component that you generate to the associated Quartus® Prime project.
  2. To manually add a Platform Designer system or component to your project, generate the system or component, and then click Project > Add/Remove Files in Project in the Quartus® Prime software.
  3. Select and add the .qsys files to your project. The Quartus® Prime Project Navigator Files tab lists all system and component files that you or Platform Designer add to your project.
Figure 94.  Platform Designer System Files in Project