Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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1.20. Saving and Archiving Platform Designer Systems

You can save your system in Platform Designer for later modification and reuse. Alternatively, Platform Designer can archive your entire system into a single compressed .zip or Tcl script (.tcl) file for easy storage and restoration.

If saving a Platform Designer system for external revision control systems, saving as a Tcl script may be preferred because that creates a single, clear text file that you can diff with a previous version to indicate changes.

You can also archive an entire Quartus® Prime project, including any Platform Designer system or IP, within in a single, compressed Quartus® Prime Archive File (.qar). The .qar preserves the project and setting files, design files, IP and system files, programming files, and all other files needed to restore the project (and system).

The qsys-archive utility provides command-line options for system archive, including system extraction and system dependency reporting. The following describe Platform Designer system saving and archiving in detail: