Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/01/2024

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8.2.2. Interface Properties

Name Description
CMSIS_SVD_FILE Specifies the connection point's associated CMSIS file.
CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES Defines the variables inside a .svd file.
ENABLED Specifies whether or not interface is enabled.
EXPORT_OF For composed _hwl.tcl files, the EXPORT_OF property indicates which interface of a child instance is to be exported through this interface. Before using this command, you must have created the border interface using add_interface. The interface to be exported is of the form <instanceName.interfaceName> .
set_interface_property CSC_input
	EXPORT_OF my_colorSpaceConverter.input_port
PORT_NAME_MAP A map of external port names to internal port names, formatted as a Tcl list. Example:
set_interface_property <interface name> PORT_NAME_MAP
	"<new port name> <old port name> <new port name 2> <old port name 2>" 
SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP Generates a CMSIS SVD file. Hosts in the same SVD address group write register data of their connected agents into the same SVD file
SVD_ADDRESS_OFFSET Generates a CMSIS SVD file. Agents connected to this host have their base address offset by this amount in the SVD file.

When SV_INTERFACE is set, all the ports in the given interface are part of the SystemVerilog interface.

set_interface_property my_qsys_interface SV_INTERFACE
IPXACT_REGISTER_MAP Specifies the connection point's associated IP-XACT register map file. Platform Designer supports register map files in IP-XACT 2009 or 2014 format.
set_interface_property my_qsys_interface
	IPXACT_REGISTER_MAP <path_to_ipxact_reg_file>

For macro substitution inside the IP-XACT register map file.

Specifies a list of key value pairs, where key is the macro name and value is the replacement text that substitutes the macros in the IP-XACT register map.