Agilex™ 7 Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines: F-Series and I-Series

ID 683112
Date 11/25/2024
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1.8.2. Example 2— Agilex™ 7 Devices (F-Tile and R-Tile)

Table 36.  Power Supply Sharing Guidelines for Agilex™ 7 Devices with F-Tile and R-Tile TransceiversExample Requiring 11 Power Regulators
Power Pin Name Regulator Group Voltage Level (V) Supply Tolerance Power Source Regulator Sharing Notes
VCC 1 SmartVID4, 0.8 ±3% Switcher 5 Share

Source VCC and VCCP from the same regulator, sharing the same voltage plane. You have the option to connect VCCL_HPS to the same regulator as VCC and VCCP when the power rails require the same voltage level. You may also connect the VCCPLLDIG_HPS power to the shared VCC, VCCP, and VCCL_HPS power planes with proper isolation filtering.

For -4X devices, VCC and VCCP are powered by SmartVID and a separate fixed 0.8 V supply must be used for VCCL_HPS and filtered VCCPLLDIG_HPS.

When implementing a filtered supply topology, you must consider the IR drop across the filter.

If you do not intend to utilize the HPS in the Agilex™ 7 device, you must still provide power to these power supply pins. Do not leave the VCCL_HPS and VCCPLLDIG_HPS power supply pins floating or connected to GND.

VCCH 2 0.8 ±3% Switcher5 Share

Connect the VCC_HSSI_GXF to a dedicated 0.8-V power supply.

When implementing a filtered supply topology, you must consider the IR drop across the filter.

VCC_HSSI_GXR 3 0.9 ±3% Switcher5 Share Connect VCC_HSSI_GXR and VCCH_SDM to a dedicated 0.9-V power supply.
VCCE_PLL_GXR 4 1.0 ±2% Linear Share Connect to a dedicated 1.0-V reference source.
VCCERT_FGT_GXF 5 1.0 ±3% Switcher5 or Linear Share Connect to a dedicated 1.0-V power supply.
VCCERT1_FHT_GXF ±2.5% Switcher5 or Linear
VCCERT2_FHT_GXF ±2.5% Linear
VCCRT_GXR ±2.5% Switcher5
VCCED_GXR 6 0.9 ±3% Linear Isolate Connect to a dedicated 0.9-V power supply.
VCCEHT_FHT_GXF 7 1.5 -2.5% to +2% Linear Isolate Connect to a dedicated 1.5-V power supply.
VCCPT 8 1.8 ±3% Switcher5 Share if 1.8 V

Connect VCCPT to a dedicated 1.8-V power supply.

Connect VCCADC, VCCPLL_SDM, VCCPLL_HPS, VCCH_FGT_GXF, and VCCCLK_GXF to the same power plane with proper isolation filtering.

Depending on the regulator capabilities, you have the option to share this supply with multiple Agilex™ 7 devices.

If you do not intend to utilize the HPS in the Agilex™ 7 device, you must still provide power to the HPS power supply pins.

When implementing a filtered supply topology, you must consider the IR drop across the filter.

VCCADC 1.8 Filter
VCCCLK_GXF 1.8 Filter
VCCH_FGT_GXF 1.8 Filter
VCCH_GXR 1.8 Filter
VCCCLK_GXR 9 1.0 ±3% Linear Share Connect to a dedicated 1.0-V power supply.
VCCRCORE 10 1.2 ±5% Switcher5 Share

Connect to a dedicated 1.2-V power supply.

When implementing a filtered supply topology, you must consider the IR drop across the filter.

VCCIO_SDM 11 1.8 ±5% Switcher5 or Linear Share Connect VCCIO_SDM and VCCIO_HPS to a dedicated 1.8-V power supply.

A 1.8-V power supply is required on this pin if field-programming of the eFuses is required.

In addition, Altera recommends connecting a regulator with 1.8-V output to allow access to enhanced configuration and security debug tools.

If you choose not to power this pin, tie it to VCCIO_SDM. Do not leave this pin floating or tied to GND.

Each board design requires its own power analysis to determine the required power regulators needed to satisfy the specific board design requirements. An example block diagram using the Agilex™ 7 device is provided in the Example Power Supply Sharing Guidelines for Agilex™ 7 Devices with F-Tile and R-Tile Transceivers figure.

Figure 2. Example Power Supply Sharing Guidelines for Agilex™ 7 Devices with F-Tile and R-Tile TransceiversIf an Agilex™ 7 device without R-Tile is used, you can ignore the R-Tile power rails. If an Agilex™ 7 device without F-Tile is used, you can ignore the F-Tile power rails.
4 For the SmartVID voltage range, refer to the Agilex™ 7 FPGAs and SoCs Device Data Sheet: F-Series and I-Series .
5 When using a switcher to supply these voltages, the switcher must be a low noise switcher as defined in note 4 of the Notes to Agilex™ 7 Pin Connection Guidelines: F-Series and I-Series.
6 VCCH_SDM must be connected to 0.8 V VCCH for the Agilex™ 7 device with only F-Tile transceiver. For detailed connection requirement for the VCCH_SDM rail, refer to the VCCH_SDM connection guideline on the Power Supply Pins table.