Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Third-party Simulation

ID 683080
Date 11/07/2022

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4.3.5. Viewing Simulation Waveforms

IES generates a .trn file automatically following simulation. You can use the .trn for generating the SimVision waveform view.

To view a waveform from a .trn file through SimVision, follow these steps:

  1. Type simvision at the command line. The Design Browser dialog box appears.
  2. Click File > Open Database and click the .trn file.
  3. In the Design Browser dialog box, select the signals that you want to observe from the Hierarchy.
  4. Right-click the selected signals and click Send to Waveform Window.
    You cannot view a waveform from a .vcd file in SimVision, and the .vcd file cannot be converted to a .trn file.