Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410383489508
1.1. Simulator Support
1.2. Simulation Levels
1.3. HDL Support
1.4. Simulation Flows
1.5. Preparing for Simulation
1.6. Simulating Intel® FPGA IP Cores
1.7. Using NativeLink Simulation ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
1.8. Running a Simulation (Custom Flow)
1.9. Simulating Intel FPGA Designs Revision History
2.2.1. Using Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Precompiled Libraries
2.2.2. Disabling Timing Violation on Registers
2.2.3. Passing Parameter Information from Verilog HDL to VHDL
2.2.4. Increasing Simulation Speed in ModelSim and Questa Simulators Simulating Transport Delays2. Simulating Transport Delays2. Simulating Transport Delays
2.2.6. Viewing Simulation Messages
2.2.7. Generating Power Analysis Files
2.2.8. Viewing Simulation Waveforms
2.2.9. Simulating with Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Waveform Editor
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410383489508
4.3.2. Back-Annotating Simulation Timing Data (VHDL Only)
You can back annotate timing information in a Standard Delay Output File (.sdo) for VHDL simulators. To back annotate the .sdo timing data at the command line, follow these steps:
- To compile the .sdo with the ncsdfc program, type the following command at the command prompt. The ncsdfc program generates an <output name> .sdf.X compiled .sdo file
ncsdfc <project name>_vhd.sdo –output <output name>
Note: If you do not specify an output name, ncsdfc uses <project name> .sdo.X - Specify the compiled .sdf file for the project by adding the following command to an ASCII SDF command file for the project:
COMPILED_SDF_FILE = "<project name>.sdf.X" SCOPE = <instance path>
- After compiling the .sdf file, type the following command to elaborate the design:
ncelab worklib.<project name>:entity –SDF_CMD_FILE <SDF Command File>
Example SDF Command File
// SDF command file sdf_file COMPILED_SDF_FILE = "lpm_ram_dp_test_vhd.sdo.X", SCOPE = :tb, MTM_CONTROL = "TYPICAL", SCALE_FACTORS = "1.0:1.0:1.0", SCALE_TYPE = "FROM_MTM";