Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410383495957
1.1. Simulator Support
1.2. Simulation Levels
1.3. HDL Support
1.4. Simulation Flows
1.5. Preparing for Simulation
1.6. Simulating Intel® FPGA IP Cores
1.7. Using NativeLink Simulation ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
1.8. Running a Simulation (Custom Flow)
1.9. Simulating Intel FPGA Designs Revision History
2.2.1. Using Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Precompiled Libraries
2.2.2. Disabling Timing Violation on Registers
2.2.3. Passing Parameter Information from Verilog HDL to VHDL
2.2.4. Increasing Simulation Speed in ModelSim and Questa Simulators Simulating Transport Delays2. Simulating Transport Delays2. Simulating Transport Delays
2.2.6. Viewing Simulation Messages
2.2.7. Generating Power Analysis Files
2.2.8. Viewing Simulation Waveforms
2.2.9. Simulating with Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Waveform Editor
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410383495957
4.4. IES Simulation Setup Script Example
The Intel® Quartus® Prime software can generate a simulation setup script for IP cores in your design. The script contains shell commands that compile the required device libraries, IP, or Platform Designer (Standard) simulation models in the correct order. The script then elaborates the top-level design and runs the simulation for 100 time units by default. You can run these scripts from a Linux command shell. To set up the simulation script for a design, you can use the command-line to pass variable values to the shell script.
Read the generated .sh script to see the variables that are available for you to override when you source the script or that you can redefine directly in the generated .sh script. For example, you can specify additional elaboration and simulation options with the variables USER_DEFINED_ELAB_OPTIONS and USER_DEFINED_SIM_OPTIONS.
Example Top-Level Simulation Shell Script for Incisive (NCSIM)
# Run script to compile libraries and IP simulation files # Skip elaboration and simulation of the IP variation sh ./ip_top_sim/cadence/ SKIP_ELAB=1 SKIP_SIM=1 QSYS_SIMDIR="./ip_top_sim" #Compile the top-level testbench that instantiates your IP ncvlog -sv ./ #Elaborate and simulate the top-level design ncelab <elaboration control options> top_testbench ncsim <simulation control options> top_testbench