Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Third-party Simulation

ID 683080
Date 11/07/2022

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Document Table of Contents

1.1. Simulator Support

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software supports specific EDA simulator versions for RTL and gate-level simulation.
Table 1.  Supported Simulators
Vendor Simulator Version Platform
Aldec Active-HDL* 10.5 Windows (64-bit only)
Aldec Riviera-PRO* 2019.10 Windows, Linux (64-bit only)
Cadence Xcelium* 1 21.09.003 Linux (64-bit only)
Intel Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition 2021.2 Windows, Linux (64-bit only)
Siemens EDA ModelSim® SE 2020.4 Windows, Linux (64-bit only)
Siemens EDA QuestaSim* 2020.4 Windows, Linux (64-bit only)



P-2019.06-SP2-5 Linux (64-bit only)

For the latest simulator version support information, refer the Download Center for FPGAs website. Select your Intel® Quartus® Prime software version for supported simulator versions.

1 Xcelium simulator support now replaces Incisive Enterprise (ncsim) support. For Xcelium simulator, refer to the steps and commands in Cadence Simulator Support. The steps and commands are interchangeable for both simulators.