Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 10/04/2021

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Document Table of Contents get_datasheet (::quartus::sta)

The following table displays information for the get_datasheet Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::sta

Syntax get_datasheet [-h | -help] [-long_help]
Arguments -h | -help Short help
  -long_help Long help with examples and possible return values

This function returns a tcl collection which contains the datasheet report. Its format is as follows: { { tsu { <tsu rise time> <tsu fall time> <input port> <clock port> <clock edge> <clock reference> } } { th { <th rise time> <th fall time> <input port> <clock port> <clock edge> <clock reference> } } { tco { <tco rise time> <tco fall time> <output port> <clock port> <clock edge> <clock reference> } } { mintco { <mintco rise time> <mintco fall time> <output port> <clock port> <clock edge> <clock reference> } } { tpd { <tpd rise-rise time> <tpd rise-fall time> <tpd fall-rise time> <tpd fall-fall time> <input port> <output port> } } { mintpd { <mintpd rise-rise time> <mintpd rise-fall time> <mintpd fall-rise time> <mintpd fall-fall time> <input port> <output port> } } { tzx { <tzx rise time> <tzx fall time> <output port> <clock port> <clock edge> <clock reference> } } { mintzx { <mintzx rise time> <mintzx fall time> <output port> <clock port> <clock edge> <clock reference> } } { txz { <tlz time> <thz time> <output port> <clock port> <clock edge> <clock reference> } } { mintxz { <mintlz time> <minthz time> <output port> <clock port> <clock edge> <clock reference> } } } There are no options for this command, and the data returned is the same as from the report_datasheet command.

Example Usage
project_open proj1

# get the datasheet collection
set datasheet [get_datasheet]

# loop through contents of datasheet collection
foreach i $datasheet {
    foreach j $i {
        foreach k $j {
            # extract individual items or 
            # manipulate as necessary
Return Value