Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 10/04/2021

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2.3. Intel® Quartus® Prime Tcl Packages

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software groups Tcl commands into packages by function.
Note: Refer to TCL Commands and Packages for a comprehensive reference of all Intel® Quartus® Prime Tcl packages and commands.
Table 6.   Intel® Quartus® Prime Tcl Packages
Package Name Package Description
backannotate Back-annotate the Compiler's assignments.
bpps Floorplan IP interfaces and other device resources in Interface Planner.
chip_planner Identify and modify resource usage and routing with the Chip Planner.
design Manipulate project databases, including the assignments database, to enable the creation of instance assignments without modifying the .qsf file.
device Get device and family information from the device database.
dni_sdc Set false path, input delay, or output delay SDC constraints.
drc Interact with Design Assistant design rule checks.
eco Specify engineering change orders after design compilation.
external_memif_toolkit Interact with external memory interfaces and debug components.
fif Contains the set of Tcl functions for using the Fault Injection File (FIF) Driver
flng Query properties of generic objects.