Visible to Intel only — GUID: reference_TCL_tcl_pkg_sdc_ver_1_5_cmd_remove_clock_latency
Visible to Intel only — GUID: reference_TCL_tcl_pkg_sdc_ver_1_5_cmd_remove_clock_latency
Ixiasoft remove_clock_latency (::quartus::sdc)
The following table displays information for the remove_clock_latency Tcl command:
Tcl Package and Version | Belongs to ::quartus::sdc |
Syntax | remove_clock_latency [-h | -help] [-long_help] -source <targets> | ||
Arguments | -h | -help | Short help | |
-long_help | Long help with examples and possible return values | ||
-source | Specifies the source clock latency | ||
<targets> | Valid destinations (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching) | ||
Description | Removes clock latency for a given clock or clock target. There are two types of latency: network and source. Network latency is the clock network delay between the clock and register clock pins. Source latency is the clock network delay between the clock and its source (e.g., a system clock or a base clock of a generated clock). The Timing Analyzer automatically computes network latencies for all register and generated clocks. Overriding clock network latencies is not supported by the Timing Analyzer. Therefore, the -source option must always be specified. Remove_clock_latency requires this option as well. You can apply clock latency to a clock, which affects all targets of the clock, or to a specific clock target. Therefore, you can remove clock latency from a collection of clocks, or from a collection of target nodes. remove_clock_latency removes all latencies from a clock or node, so removing a node's clock latency with respect to a particular clock, or removing only latencies with particular conditions is not supported. The value of the targets is either a collection or a Tcl list of wildcards used to create a collection of the appropriate type. The values used must follow standard Tcl or Timing Analyzer-extension substitution rules. See the help for use_timing_analyzer_style_escaping for details. |