5.9.3. Signals for Intel® Arria® 10 Devices
Signal |
Width |
Clock Domain | Direction |
Description |
tx_serial_clk | N | N/A | Input |
This signal is a high-speed serial clock input from the external transceiver PLL. The width is the same as the number of lanes specified in the parameter editor. Each bit of the vector corresponds to serial clock of the transmit channel. N represents the number of lanes. |
tx_pll_locked | 1 | N/A | Input | This signal indicates that all external transceiver PLLs are locked. If more than one external transceiver PLL is required for higher lanes, each instantiation outputs a bit that indicates whether the PLL providing the high-speed clock for a corresponding transceiver has achieved its lock status. The pll_locked output signal from the external transceiver PLLs should be ANDed together before being input to the IP core. |
core_reset | 1 |
N/A | Input |
Asynchronous master reset for the core. Assert this signal high to reset the MAC layer, except for the fPLL that is available in standard clocking mode. Intel recommends that you tie this signal to the phy_mgmt_clk_reset signal to reset the digital core, analog core, and the PLL core. |
xcvr_pll_ref_clk | 1 |
N/A | Input |
This signal is present but unused in source-only variations; tie this signal to 1’b0. |
user_clock | 1 |
N/A | Input/Output |
Clock for data transfers across the source core interface.
user_clock_reset | 1 |
user_clock | Input/Output |
In the standard clocking mode, the core asserts this signal when the core_reset signal is high and deasserts this signal when the reset sequence is complete. In the advanced clocking mode, asserts this signal to reset the adaptation module FIFO buffer.
interface_clock_reset | 1 | user_clock | Output | Clock for data transfer across the source core interface in the advanced clocking mode. Available only in Advanced Clocking Mode. |
link_up | 1 |
user_clock | Output |
The core asserts this signal to indicate that the core initialization is complete and is ready to transmit user data. |
data | 64xN |
user_clock | Input |
This vector carries the transmitted streaming data to the core. N represents the number of lanes. |
sync | 8 |
user_clock | Input |
The sync vector is an 8 bit bus. The data value at the start of a burst and the end of a burst are captured and transported across the link. The value at the end of a burst is to indicate the number of invalid 64-bit word in the previous data cycle. As such, for single-lane configuration, the value at the end of a burst is expected to be 0.
Note: This vector is not associated with Interlaken channelization or flow control schemes.
valid | 1 |
user_clock | Input |
This single bit signal indicates that the transmitted streaming data is valid. |
start_of_burst | 1 |
user_clock | Input |
When the core is in burst mode operation, asserting this signal indicates that the information on the data vector is the beginning of a burst. Because continuous mode is one long burst, in this mode the signal is asserted only once at the start of the data. |
end_of_burst | 1 |
user_clock | Input |
When the core is in burst mode operation, asserting this signal indicates that the information on the data vector is the end of a burst. You can optionally send an end of burst signal at the end of continuous mode. |
error | 4 |
user_clock | Output |
This vector indicates an error or overflow in the source adaptation module’s FIFO buffer.
crc_error_inject | 1 | user_clock | Input | This signal forces CRC-32 errors when CRC-32 error injection is enabled in the transceiver channels. The CRC-32 error injection is enabled via the transceiver reconfiguration controller. |
Signal |
Width |
Clock Domain | Direction |
Description |
core_reset | 1 |
N/A | Input |
Asynchronous master reset for the core. Assert this signal high to reset the MAC layer, except for the I/O PLL that is available in standard clocking mode. Intel recommends that you tie this signal to the phy_mgmt_clk_reset signal to reset the digital core, analog core, and the PLL core. |
xcvr_pll_ref_clk | 1 |
N/A | Input |
Reference clock for the transceivers. |
user_clock | 1 |
N/A | Output |
Clock for data transfers across the sink core interface in the standard clocking mode. |
user_clock_reset | 1 |
user_clock | Output |
The core asserts this signal when the core_reset signal is high and deasserts this signal when the reset sequence is complete in the standard clocking mode. |
interface_clock | 1 |
core_clock | Output |
Clock for data transfer across the sink core interface in the advanced clocking mode. |
interface_clock_reset | 1 |
core_clock | Output |
The core asserts this signal when the core_reset signal is high and deasserts this signal when the reset sequence is complete. Available only in Advanced Clocking Mode. |
link_up | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
The core asserts this signal to indicate that the core initialization is complete and is ready to transmit user data. When this signal is deasserted, all values in the data_rx signal is invalid regardless of the valid_rx signal value. This means even when the valid_rx signal is asserted, the data_rx signal should be treated as invalid when link_up_rx is deasserted. |
data | 64xN |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
This vector carries the transmitted streaming data from the core. N represents the number of lanes. |
sync | 8 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
The sync vector is an 8 bit bus that reflects the SYNC value received from the remote partner. The value at the end of a burst is to indicate the number of invalid 64-bit word in the previous data cycle. As such, for single-lane configuration, the value at the end of a burst is expected to be 0.
Note: This vector is not associated with Interlaken channelization or flow control schemes.
valid | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
This single bit signal indicates that the data is valid. |
start_of_burst | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
When the core is in burst mode operation, assertion of this signal indicates that the information on the data vector is the beginning of a burst. Because continuous mode is one long burst, in this mode, the core asserts this signal only once at the start of the data. |
end_of_burst | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
When the core is in burst mode operation, assertion of this signal indicates that the information on the data vector is the end of a burst. |
error | N+5 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
This vector indicates the state of the sink adaptation module’s FIFO buffer. N represents the number of lanes:
Signal |
Width |
Clock Domain | Direction |
Description |
tx_serial_clk | N | N/A | Input |
This high-speed serial clock input from the external transceiver PLL. The width is the same as the number of lanes specified in the parameter editor. Each bit of the vector corresponds to serial clock of the transmit channel. N represents the number of lanes. |
tx_pll_locked | 1 | N/A | Input | This signal indicates that all external transceiver PLLs are locked. If more than one external transceiver PLL is required for higher lanes, each instantiation outputs a bit that indicates whether the PLL providing the high-speed clock for a corresponding transceiver has achieved its lock status. The pll_locked output signal from the external transceiver PLLs should be ANDed together before being input to the IP core. |
core_reset | 1 |
N/A | Input |
Asynchronous master reset for the core. Assert this signal high to reset the MAC layer, except for the fPLL or I/O PLL that is available in standard clocking mode. Intel recommends that you tie this signal to the phy_mgmt_clk_reset signal to reset the digital core, analog core, and the PLL core. |
xcvr_pll_ref_clk | 1 |
N/A | Input |
Reference clock for the transceivers. |
user_clock_tx | 1 |
N/A | Input/ Output |
Clock for data transfers across the transmit interface.
user_clock_reset_tx | 1 |
user_clock_tx | Input/ Output |
In the standard clocking mode, the core asserts this signal when the core_reset signal is high and deasserts this signal when the reset sequence is complete. In the advanced clocking mode, asserts this signal to reset the adaptation module FIFO buffer.
interface_clock_reset_tx | 1 |
core_clock | Output |
The core asserts this signal when the core_reset signal is high and deasserts this signal when the reset sequence is complete. Available only in Advanced Clocking Mode. |
link_up_tx | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
The core asserts this signal to indicate that the core initialization is complete and is ready to transmit user data. |
data_tx | 64xN |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Input |
This vector carries the transmitted streaming data to the core. N represents the number of lanes. |
sync_tx | 8 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Input |
The sync vector is an 8 bit bus. The data value at the start of a burst and at the end of a burst are captured and transported across the link. The value at the end of a burst is to indicate the number of invalid 64-bit word in the previous data cycle. As such, for single-lane configuration, the value at the end of a burst is expected to be 0.
Note: This vector is not associated with Interlaken channelization or flow control schemes.
valid_tx | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Input |
This vector indicates that the data is valid. |
start_of_burst_tx | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Input |
When the core is in burst mode operation, assertion of this signal indicates that the information on the data vector is the beginning of a burst. Because continuous mode is one long burst, in this mode the signal is asserted only once at the start of the data. |
end_of_burst_tx | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Input |
When the core is in burst mode operation, assertion of this signal indicates that the information on the data vector is the end of a burst. |
error_tx | 4 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
This vector indicates an overflow in the source adaptation module’s FIFO buffer.
user_clock_rx | 1 |
N/A | Output |
Clock for data transfers across the sink core interface in the standard clocking mode. |
user_clock_reset_rx | 1 |
user_clock_rx | Output |
The core asserts this signal when the core_reset signal is high and deasserts this signal when the reset sequence is complete. Available only in Standard Clocking Mode. |
interface_clock_rx | 1 |
core_clock | Output |
Clock for data transfers across the sink core interface in the advanced clocking mode. |
interface_clock_reset_rx | 1 |
core_clock | Output |
The core asserts this signal when the core_reset signal is high and deasserts this signal when the reset sequence is complete. Available only in Advanced Clocking Mode. |
link_up_rx | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
The core asserts this signal to indicate that the core initialization is complete and is ready to transmit user data. When this signal is deasserted, all values in the data_rx signal is invalid regardless of the valid_rx signal value. This means even when the valid_rx signal is asserted, the data_rx signal should be treated as invalid when link_up_rx is deasserted. |
data_rx | 64xN |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output | This vector carries the transmitted streaming data from the core. N represents the number of lanes. |
sync_rx | 8 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
The sync vector is an 8 bit bus that reflects the SYNC value received from the remote partner. The value at the end of a burst is to indicate the number of invalid 64-bit word in the previous data cycle. As such, for single-lane configuration, the value at the end of a burst is expected to be 0.
Note: This vector is not associated with Interlaken channelization or flow control schemes.
valid_rx | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
This vector indicates that the data is valid. |
start_of_burst_rx | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
When the core is in burst mode operation, asserting this signal indicates that the information on the data vector is the beginning of a burst. Because continuous mode is one long burst, in this mode the signal is asserted only once at the start of the data. |
end_of_burst_rx | 1 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
When the core is in burst mode operation, asserting this signal indicates that the information on the data vector is the end of a burst. You can optionally send an end of burst signal at the end of continuous mode. |
error _rx | N+5 |
Standard clocking: user_clock Advanced clocking: core_clock |
Output |
This vector indicates the state of the sink adaptation module’s FIFO buffer. N represents the number of lanes:
crc_error_inject | 1 | Standard clocking: user_clock_tx Advanced clocking: core_clock_tx |
Input | This signal is used for CRC-32 error injection. |
Signal |
Width |
Clock Domain | Direction |
Description |
phy_mgmt_clk | 1 |
N/A | Input |
Clock input for the Avalon memory-mapped PHY management interface within the Native PHY IP core. This signal also clocks the transceiver reconfiguration interface and sequences the reset state machine in the clock generation logic. |
phy_mgmt_clk_reset | 1 |
phy_mgmt_clk | Input |
Global reset signal that resets the entire IP including MAC, I/O PLL (available in standard clocking mode), and Native PHY IP core. This signal is active high and level sensitive. |
phy_mgmt_addr | 10 + log2N], N=number of lanes |
phy_mgmt_clk | Input |
Control and status register (CSR) address for Intel® Arria® 10 devices. The width depends on the number of lanes. The parameter editor determines the required width for you. You have to manually tie this extra bit 7.
phy_mgmt_writedata[31:0] | 32 |
phy_mgmt_clk | Input |
CSR write data. |
phy_mgmt_readdata[31:0] | 32 |
phy_mgmt_clk | Output |
CSR read data. |
phy_mgmt_write | 1 |
phy_mgmt_clk | Input |
Active high CSR write signal. |
phy_mgmt_read | 1 |
phy_mgmt_clk | Input |
Active high CSR read signal. |
phy_mgmt_waitrequest | 1 |
phy_mgmt_clk | Output |
CSR read or write request signal. When asserted, this signal indicates that the Avalon memory-mapped slave interface is unable to respond to a read or write request. |
reconfig_busy | 1 |
phy_mgmt_clk | Input |
For Intel® Arria® 10 devices, this signal is present but unused; tie this signal to 1’b0. |
tx_serial_data | N |
— | Output |
The serial output data from the core. N represents the number of lanes. |
rx_serial_data | N |
— | Input |
The serial input data to the core. N represents the number of lanes. |