Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1460617995392
1. Serial Lite III Streaming Intel® FPGA IP Quick Reference
2. About the Serial Lite III Streaming Intel® FPGA IP
3. Getting Started
4. Serial Lite III Streaming IP Core Design Examples
5. Serial Lite III Streaming Intel® FPGA IP Functional Description
6. Serial Lite III Streaming Intel® FPGA IP Clocking Guidelines
7. Serial Lite III Streaming Intel® FPGA IP Configuration and Status Registers
8. Serial Lite III Streaming Intel® FPGA IP Debugging Guidelines
9. Serial Lite III Streaming Intel® FPGA IP User Guide Archives
10. Document Revision History for the Serial Lite III Streaming Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
3.1. Installing and Licensing Intel® FPGA IP Cores
3.2. Intel® FPGA IP Evaluation Mode
3.3. Specifying IP Core Parameters and Options
3.4. Serial Lite III Streaming Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
3.5. Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller for Stratix® V and Arria® V GZ Designs
3.6. IP Core Generation Output ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
3.7. IP Core Generation Output ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
3.8. Simulating
5.1. IP Architecture
5.2. Transmission Overheads and Lane Rate Calculations
5.3. Reset
5.4. Link-Up Sequence
5.5. Error Detection, Reporting, and Recovering Mechanism
5.6. CRC-32 Error Injection
5.7. FIFO ECC Protection
5.8. User Data Interface Waveforms
5.9. Signals
5.10. Accessing Configuration and Status Registers
5.1.1. Serial Lite III Streaming Source Core
5.1.2. Serial Lite III Streaming Sink Core
5.1.3. Serial Lite III Streaming IP Core Duplex Core
5.1.4. Interlaken PHY IP Duplex Core or Native PHY IP Duplex Core - Interlaken Mode or PCS Gearbox Mode
5.1.5. Intel® Stratix® 10, Intel® Arria® 10, Stratix® V, and Arria® V GZ Variations
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1460617995392
6.4. Clocking Implementation Guidelines
Synchronous Systems
In this scenario, both the Source User Clock and Sink FIFO read clock frequencies are the same. As shown in the figure below, the FIFO read clock is derived from the same crystal oscillator as the Source User Clock. If the Source User Clock requires a PLL, the Sink User Clock should has a PLL with the same configuration.
Figure 24. Same Source and Sink User Clock Frequencies from Same Crystal Oscillator for Intel® Stratix® 10 L-tile/H-tile Transceiver Devices
Figure 25. Same Source and Sink User Clock Frequencies from Same Crystal Oscillator for Intel® Arria® 10, Stratix V and Arria V GZ Devices
Asynchronous Systems
In an asynchronous system, the sink FIFO read clock is derived from a different crystal oscillator, but has the same frequency as the Source User Clock. In this scenario, a PPM difference exists between the Source User Clock and the FIFO read clock. The Source input data rate needs to be reduced to avoid overflowing the Sink FIFO buffer due to the PPM differences. One recommended way is to insert empty cycles in the Source input data stream at Source User Data Interface to reduce the data rate. The Source Application and Adaptation modules absorb these empty data cycles, convert them to idle cells, and insert them into link data stream. These cells are automatically removed at the sink interface and converted back into empty cycles on the sink user interface.
Note: You have to take into consideration the PPM difference and insert enough empty cycles to offset the PPM difference for the worst case scenario.
Figure 26. Same Source and Sink User Frequencies with Different Crystal Oscillators for Intel® Stratix® 10 L-tile/H-tile Transceiver Devices
Figure 27. Same Source and Sink User Frequencies, with Different Crystal Oscillators for Intel® Arria® 10, Stratix V and Arria V GZ DevicesFigure illustrates how two crystal oscillators are used to provide the Source User Clock and the Sink FIFO read clock.