GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 4/01/2024

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1.2.4. Round-Trip Latency

The Round Trip is measured from the entry point of the Client TX Interface through the MAC, PCS, and PMA looped back externally to the RX PMA, PCS, and MAC, which terminates at the RX MAC Client Interface.

The following table includes the round-trip latency numbers for specific variants. The latency numbers for the  GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP   are obtained using the  Quartus® Prime Pro Edition  software version 24.1 to compile the variant of the IP.

Table 9.  Round-trip Latency for Agilex™ 5 Devices
IP Variant Data Rate PMA Type Ethernet Mode FEC Mode Enable Asynchronous Adaptor Clocks Round Trip (TX+RX) of MAC+PHY
Hardware Measurement (ps) Simulation Measurement (ps)
MAC, PCS, and PMA 10GE GTS 10GE-1 None Off N/A 378548
On N/A 486398
IEEE 802.3 BASE-R Firecode (CL 74) Off N/A 837820
On N/A  927999
MII PCS Only     N/A None N/A N/A 266840
    N/A IEEE 802.3 BASE-R Firecode (CL 74) N/A N/A 719908
PCS66 OTN N/A   N/A None N/A N/A TBD
  N/A IEEE 802.3 BASE-R Firecode (CL 74) N/A N/A TBD
PCS66 FlexE N/A   N/A None N/A N/A 254460
  N/A IEEE 802.3 BASE-R Firecode (CL 74) N/A N/A 688872