GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Receiving PAUSE and PFC Frames

The o_rx_pause and o_rx_pfc ports on each channel are asserted when their remote link partner sets one or more of the queues to a non-zero pause quanta. In the below waveform diagram, o_rx_pause is asserted because the remote link partner sends a PAUSE XOFF request. The quanta count from the PAUSE XOFF request remains high in o_rx_pause until it expires. If the If Stop TX Traffic when link partner sends pause parameter is enabled in the IP GUI, the quanta count goes down only when the IP really stops transmission. The parameter If Stop TX Traffic when link partner sends pause is disabled, o_rx_pause deasserts on every valid cycle in the IP – the width of the pulse indicates the number of cycles of pause required. Note that for all channels, one quanta is worth multiple cycles of pause – each quanta is worth 512 bits. o_rx_pfc is asserted when the remote link partner sends a PFC XOFF request. In the image below, a PFC request is sent for queue[0] and subsequently for queue[6].
Note: Single PFC packet can set several queues. The PFC quanta counters count down on each valid cycle, therefore the pulse width shows the length of the traffic pause necessary for each queue.
Figure 34.  Examples of o_rx_pause and o_rx_pfc[7:0] Toggling