Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1410942161162
1. About the PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces IP
2. PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP (phylite_ph2) for Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series Devices
3. PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP (altera_phylite_s20) for Intel Agilex® 7 F-Series and I-Series Devices
4. PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP for Intel® Stratix® 10 Devices
5. PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP for Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
6. PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP User Guide Document Archives
7. Document Revision History for the PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
3.2.1. Intel Agilex® 7 F-Series and I-Series I/O Sub-bank Interconnects
3.2.2. Intel Agilex® 7 F-Series and I-Series Input DQS/Strobe Tree
3.2.3. PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP for Intel Agilex® 7 F-Series and I-Series Devices Top Level Interfaces
3.2.4. Dynamic Reconfiguration
3.2.5. I/O Timing Timing Closure: Dynamic Reconfiguration Timing Closure: Input Strobe Setup and Hold Delay Constraints Timing Closure: Output Strobe Setup and Hold Delay Constraints Timing Closure: Non Edge-Aligned Input Data I/O Timing Violation Internal FPGA Path Timing Violation Timing Closure: Dynamic Reconfiguration Timing Closure: Input Strobe Setup and Hold Delay Constraints Timing Closure: Output Strobe Setup and Hold Delay Constraints Timing Closure: Non Edge-Aligned Input Data I/O Timing Violation Internal FPGA Path Timing Violation
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1410942161162
5.7.1. Implementation using the PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP
You can configure the PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP to support multiple groups (maximum 48 I/O pins each).
The following lists the possible implementations:
- Instantiates one PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP with two groups
- Bidirectional type for DQ and DQS signals
- Output type for Addr/Cmd signals
Note: Each group in the PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP can have 48 I/Os, and the IP supports up to 18 groups.
Figure 118. General Tab Settings
Figure 119. Group 0 Settings (Bidirectional Type for DQ and DQS)
Figure 120. Group 1 Settings (Output Type for Addr/Cmd)