Visible to Intel only — GUID: lgw1675136581183
4.3.1. General-Purpose Register File
4.3.2. Arithmetic Logic Unit
4.3.3. Multipy and Divide Units
4.3.4. Floating-Point Unit
4.3.5. Custom Instruction
4.3.6. Reset and Debug Signals
4.3.7. Control and Status Registers
4.3.8. Exception Controller
4.3.9. Interrupt Controller
4.3.10. Memory and I/O Organization
4.3.11. RISC-V based Debug Module
4.3.12. Error Correction Code (ECC)
Visible to Intel only — GUID: lgw1675136581183
Ixiasoft Bypassing Cache (Peripheral Region)
The Nios® V/g architecture has two peripheral regions for bypassing the caches. Nios® V/g cores optionally support the peripheral region mechanism to indicate cacheability. In the Platform Designer, the peripheral region cache-ability mechanism allows you to specify a region of address space that is non-cacheable. The peripheral region is any integer power of 2 bytes, from a minimum of 64 kilobytes up to a maximum of 2 gigabytes, and must be located at a base address aligned to the size of the peripheral region. The peripheral region is available provided that an MMU is not present.
Note: Any accesses to the Nios® V processor's debug module or timer module are non-cacheable.
Note: You must place the peripherals driven by the Nios® V/g processor within a defined peripheral region to achieve cache bypass, which is required by a standard design implementation.