Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization

ID 683506
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Enabling Glitch Filtering During Power Analysis

The second level of glitch filtering occurs while the Power Analyzer is reading the .vcd generated by a third-party simulator. To enable the second level of glitch filtering, follow these steps:

  1. In the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, click Assignments > Settings.
  2. In the Category list, select Power Analyzer Settings.
  3. Under Input File(s), turn on Perform glitch filtering on VCD files.

The .vcd file reader performs filtering complementary to the filtering performed during simulation and is often not as effective. While the .vcd file reader can remove glitches on logic blocks, the file reader cannot determine how a given glitch affects downstream logic and routing, and may eliminate the impact of the glitch completely. Filtering the glitches during simulation avoids switching downstream routing and logic automatically.

Note: When running simulation for design verification (rather than to produce input to the Power Analyzer), Intel recommends that you turn off the glitch filtering option to produce the most rigorous and conservative simulation from a functionality viewpoint. When performing simulation to produce input for the Power Analyzer, Intel FPGA recommends that you turn on the glitch filtering to produce the most accurate power estimates.