40- and 100-Gbps Ethernet MAC and PHY MegaCore Function User Guide

ID 683114
Date 6/15/2022
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2.8.5. Testbench Output Example: 40GbE IP Core with Adapters

This section shows successful simulation using the 40GbE IP core with adapters testbench (alt_40gbe_tb.sv ). The testbench connects the Ethernet TX lanes to the Ethernet RX lanes, so that the IP core is in an external loopback configuration. In simulation, the testbench resets the IP core and waits for lane alignment and deskew to complete successfully. The packet generator sends ten packets on the Ethernet TX lanes and the packet checker checks the packets when the IP core receives them on the Ethernet RX lanes.

The successful testbench run displays the following output:

# *****************************************
# **     40g Ethernet Testbench
# **
# **
# ** Target Device:             Stratix V
# ** IP Configuration:          40 Gbe
# ** Variant Name:                      abc
# ** Status Clock Rate:              100000 KHz
# ** Statistics Registers:  Enabled
# **
# ** This variant is MAC & PHY
# ** Interface:                         Avalon-ST
# *****************************************
# ** Reseting the IP Core...
# **
# **
# *****************************************
# ** Waiting for alignment and deskew...
# **
# **
# ** Virutal lane locked:        None (lanes left:           4) |@@@@|
# All lanes locked.  Starting deskew at time              5528000
# ** Virtual lane locked:           0 (lanes left:           3) |@@@\|
# ** Virtual lane locked:           1 (lanes left:           2) |@@/\|
# ** Virtual lane locked:           2 (lanes left:           1) |@\/\|
# ** Virtual lane locked:           3 (lanes left:           0) |/\/\|
# Deskew complete at time              6404800
# ** All virtual lanes locked and deskewed, ready for data      |----|
# *****************************************
# ** Starting TX traffic...
# **
# **
# ** Sending Packet           1...
# ** Sending Packet           2...
# ** Sending Packet           3...
# ** Sending Packet           4...
# ** Sending Packet           5...
# ** Sending Packet           6...
# ** Sending Packet           7...
# ** Sending Packet           8...
# ** Sending Packet           9...
# ** Sending Packet          10...
# ** Received Packet          1...
# ** Received Packet          2...
# ** Received Packet          3...
# ** Received Packet          4...
# ** Received Packet          5...
# ** Received Packet          6...
# ** Received Packet          7...
# ** Received Packet          8...
# ** Received Packet          9...
# ** Received Packet         10...
# **
# ** Testbench complete.
# **
# *****************************************
# ** Note: $finish    : ./alt_40gbe_tb.v(181)
#    Time: 7490400 ps  Iteration: 0  Instance: /alt_40gbe_tb