HDMI PHY Intel FPGA IP User Guide

ID 732147
Date 10/31/2022
Document Table of Contents

6.1.3. IP Ports

Table 30.  HDMI TX PHY Intel FPGA IP Ports
Interface Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
mgmt_clk Clock mgmt_clk Input Free-running system clock input (100 MHz)
fr_clk Clock fr_clk Input Free-running clock for transceiver power-up calibration - 61-800 MHz.
tx_tmds_clk Clock tx_tmds_clk Input This clock frequency follows the TMDS clock frequency
tx_serial_data Conduit tx_tmds_clk tx_serial_data [3:0] Input HDMI serial TX data stream
reset Reset reset Input Main asynchronous reset
irq Interrupt mgmt_clk irq Output Interrupt signal - reserved for future use (not currently supported)
phy_interface Conduit tx_clk Output Transceiver parallel clock
vid_clk Output Synchronous video clock
ls_clk Output Link speed clock
tx_clk tx_parallel_data [79:0] Output TX parallel data. 20 Bits per transceiver
mgmt_clk in_lock Output Indicates all transceivers are locked
mgmt_clk os Input ‘0’ = > rx_parallel_data is not oversampled. ‘1’ => oversampling ratio of 5
av_mm_control Avalon memory-mapped mgmt_clk av_mm_control_write Input Avalon memory-mapped interface for control of IP core
mgmt_clk av_mm_control_read Input
mgmt_clk av_mm_control_address Input
mgmt_clk av_mm_control_writedata Input
mgmt_clk av_mm_control_readdata Output
mgmt_clk av_mm_control_waitrequest Output
txphy_rcfg_master Avalon memory-mapped mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_write Output Avalon memory-mapped interface for reconfiguration of transceivers – connects to PHY arbiter
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_read Output

Avalon memory-mapped interface for reconfiguration of transceivers – connects to PHY arbiter.

Only valid when SEPARATE_RCFG_INTF_EN = 0
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_address [9:0] Output
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_writedata [31:0] Output
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_readdata [31:0] Input
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_waitrequest Input
txphy_rcfg_slave Conduit mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_write [3:0] Input

4x Avalon memory-mapped interface with extra signals for reconfiguration of transceivers – connects to PHY arbiter

txphy_reconfig_en signals to PHY arbiter that TX PHY requires access to transceivers

txphy_cal_busy signals from each transceiver that a calibration is in progress

txphy_reconfig_cal_busy signals back from PHY arbiter that transceiver is undergoing calibration or reconfiguration

txphy_rcfg_slave_chan indicates which transceiver is to be accessed

Only valid when SEPARATE_RCFG_INTF_EN = 0
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_read [3:0] Input
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_address [39:0] Input
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_writedata [127:0] Input
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_readdata [127:0] Output
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_waitrequest [3:0] Output
mgmt_clk txphy_reconfig_en Output
mgmt_clk txphy_cal_busy [3:0] Input
mgmt_clk txphy_reconfig_cal_busy [3:0] Output
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_chan [1:0] Output
txphy_rcfg_master_# Avalon memory-mapped mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_write_# Output Avalon memory-mapped interfaces for reconfiguration of transceivers – connects to PHY arbiter, one for each channel (indicated by #). Only valid when SEPARATE_RCFG_INTF_EN = 1
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_read_# Output
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_address_# [9:0] Output
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_writedata_# [31:0] Output
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_readdata_# [31:0] Input
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_master_waitrequest_# Input
txphy_rcfg_slave_#(# values 2:0) Conduit mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_write_# Input

Avalon memory-mapped interface with extra signals for reconfiguration of transceivers – connects to PHY arbiter, one for each transceiver channel.

txphy_reconfig_en_# signals to PHY arbiter that TX PHY requires access to transceivers

txphy_cal_busy_# signals from each transceiver that a calibration is in progress.

txphy_reconfig_cal_busy_# signals back from PHY arbiter that transceiver is undergoing calibration or reconfiguration

Only valid when SEPARATE_RCFG_INTF_EN = 1.

mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_read_# Input
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_address_# [9:0] Input
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_writedata_# [31:0]  
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_readdata_# [31:0] Output
mgmt_clk txphy_rcfg_slave_waitrequest_# Output
txphy_reconfig_en_# Output
txphy_cal_busy_# Output
txphy_reconfig_cal_busy_# Input