Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/12/2022

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Document Table of Contents get_postadaptation_assignments


Obtains all post adaptation interconnect assignments for the given domain as a list of strings. Each "group" of three elements in the list contains the element name, assignment name, and value (in that order). For example, typical list contents might look like this:
[element0 name0 value0 element1 name1 value1 ... ]
In TCL, you'd loop over the list by writing a foreach loop:
foreach {element name value } $requirement_list \
     { puts " $element $name $value" }


get_postadaptation_assignments <interface>


Interface name that you want to get assignments for. If interface is specified as $system , it gives assignments of all the interfaces in the system.