Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/12/2022

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6.7. Conduits

You can use the conduit interface type for interfaces that do not fit any of the other interface types, and to group any arbitrary collection of signals. Like other interface types, you can export or connect conduit interfaces.

The PCI Express-to-Ethernet example in Creating a System with Platform Designer is an example of using a conduit interface for export. You can declare an associated clock interface for conduit interfaces in the same way as memory-mapped interfaces with the associatedClock.

To connect two conduit interfaces inside Platform Designer, the following conditions must be met:

  • The interfaces must match exactly with the same signal roles and widths.
  • The interfaces must be the opposite directions.
  • Clocked conduit connections must have matching associatedClocks on each of their endpoint interfaces.
Note: To connect a conduit output to more than one input conduit interface, you can create a custom component. The custom component could have one input that connects to two outputs, and you can use this component between other conduits that you want to connect. For information about the Avalon® Conduit interface, refer to the Avalon® Interface Specifications