Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/12/2022

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Document Table of Contents Avalon® Data Pattern Generator and Checker IP Files

The following files define the low-level access to the hardware, and provide the routines for the HAL device drivers.
  • Avalon® Data Pattern Generator IP files in <installation directory>/ip/sopc_builder_ip/altera_ Avalon® _data_source/HAL:
    • data_source_regs.h—header file that defines the test pattern generator's register maps.
    • data_source_util.h, data_source_util.c—header and source code for the functions and variables required to integrate the driver into the HAL system library.
  • Avalon® Data Pattern Checker IP files in <installation directory>/ip/sopc_builder_ip/altera_ Avalon® _data_sink/HAL
    • data_sink_regs.h—header file that defines the IP register maps.
    • data_sink_util.h, data_sink_util.c—header and source code for the functions and variables required to integrate the driver into the HAL system library.
Note: Do not modify the Avalon® Data Pattern Generator or Avalon® Data Pattern Checker IP files.