Visible to Intel only — GUID: kly1426234997708
1.2.1. Understanding the Different PTP Clocks
1.2.2. Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Synchronization Process
1.2.3. Functional Flow For A 1588 Ordinary Clock Master/Slave Mode System
1.2.4. Functional Flow For A 1588 Transparent Clock Master/Slave Mode System
1.2.5. Functional Flow for A 1588 Boundary Clock Mode System
1.2.6. Timestamp Packet Functional Flow in Linux Driver
Visible to Intel only — GUID: kly1426234997708
Ixiasoft MAC Registers
For the description of each MAC register, refer to the 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC Megacore Function User Guide. The address offset in the following tables is in byte, while the register map table in the 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC Megacore Function User Guide is in word.
Note: Altera recommends maintain the register settings for this module as set in the reference design for optimum operation.
Component | Byte Offset Range |
RX Packet Transfer | 0x0000:0x00FF |
RX Pad/CRC Remover | 0x0100:0x01FF |
RX CRC Checker | 0x0200:0x02FF |
RX Packet Overflow | 0x0300:0x03FF |
RX Preamble Control | 0x0400:0x04FF |
RX Lane Decoder | 0x0500:0x1FFF |
RX Frame Decoder | 0x2000:0x2FFF |
RX Statistics Counters | 0x3000:0x3FFF |
TX Packet Transfer | 0x4000:0x40FF |
TX Pad Inserter | 0x4100:0x41FF |
TX CRC Inserter | 0x4200:0x42FF |
TX Packet Underflow | 0x4300:0x43FF |
TX Preamble Control | 0x4400:0x44FF |
TX Pause Frame Control and Generator | 0x4500:0x45FF |
TX PFC Generator | 0x4600:0x47FF |
TX Address Inserter | 0x4800:0x5FFF |
TX Frame Decoder | 0x6000:0x6FFF |
TX Statistics Counters | 0x7000:0x7FFF |
Register | Byte Offset |
rx_period | 0x0440 |
rx_adjust_fns | 0x0448 |
rx_adjust_ns | 0x044C |
tx_period | 0x4440 |
tx_adjust_fns | 0x4448 |
tx_adjust_ns | 0x444C |