Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization

ID 683174
Date 12/12/2022

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2.6.1. Running the Power Analyzer from the Command–Line

The executable to run the Power Analyzer is quartus_pow. For a complete listing of all command–line options supported by quartus_pow, type the following command at a system command prompt:
quartus_pow --help
quartus_sh --qhelp

The following lists the examples of using the quartus_pow executable. Type the command listed in the following section at a system command prompt:

Note: These examples assume that operations are performed on Intel® Quartus® Prime project called sample.
  • To customize the name of the generated EPE File:
    quartus_pow sample --output_epe=sample.csv ←
  • To customize the name of the generated Power and Thermal Calculator file:
    quartus_pow sample --output_ptc=sample.qptc  ←
  • To instruct the Power Analyzer to use a .vcd as input (sample.vcd):
    quartus_pow sample --input_vcd=sample.vcd ←
  • To instruct the Power Analyzer to use two .vcd files as input files (sample1.vcd and sample2.vcd), perform glitch filtering on the .vcd and use a default input I/O toggle rate of 10,000 transitions per second:
    quartus_pow sample --input_vcd=sample1.vcd --input_vcd=sample2.vcd \
    --vcd_filter_glitches=on --\
  • To instruct the Power Analyzer not to use an input file, specify a default input I/O toggle rate of 60%, with vectorless estimation off, and a default toggle rate of 20% on all remaining signals:
    quartus_pow sample --no_input_file --default_input_io_toggle_rate=60% \
    --use_vectorless_estimation=off --default_toggle_rate=20%
Note: No command–line options are available to specify the information found on the Operating Settings and Conditions and Power Analyzer Settings > Thermal pages. Use the Intel® Quartus® Prime GUI to specify these options.

The quartus_pow executable creates a report file, <revision name> .pow.rpt. You can locate the report file in the main project directory. The report file contains the same information that the Power Analyzer Compilation Report.