AN 584: Timing Closure Methodology for Advanced FPGA Designs

ID 683145
Date 10/08/2021
Document Table of Contents

1.6.5. Reset Signal Related Issues

Your design can have synchronous or asynchronous reset signals. Typically resets coming into FPGA devices are asynchronous. You can convert an external asynchronous reset to a synchronous reset by feeding it through a synchronizer circuit. You can then use this signal to reset the rest of the design. This clock creates a clean reset signal that is at least one cycle wide, and synchronous to the domain in which it applies.

If you use a synchronous reset, it becomes part of the data path and affects the arrival times in the same manner as other signals in the data path. Include the reset signal in the timing analysis along with the other signals in the data path. Using a synchronous reset requires additional routing resources, such as an additional data signal.

If you use an asynchronous reset, you can globally reset all registers. This dedicated resource helps you to avoid the routing congestion that a single reset signal causes. However, a reset that is completely asynchronous can cause metastability issues. This metastability occurs because the time when the asynchronous reset is removed is asynchronous to the clock edge. If you remove the asynchronous reset signal from its asserted state in the metastability zone, some registers could fail to reset. To avoid this problem, use synchronized asynchronous reset signals.

A reset signal can reset registers asynchronously, but the reset signal is removed synchronous to a clock, reducing the possibility of registers going metastable. You can avoid unrealistic timing requirements by adding a reset synchronizer to the external asynchronous reset for each clock domain and then using the output of the synchronizers to drive the all register resets in their respective clock domains.

The following example shows an example VDD-based (voltage drain drain) reset synchronizer reset synchronizer implementation:

module safe_reset_sync
(external_reset, clock, internal_reset) ;

input external_reset;
input clock;
output internal_reset;
reg data1, data2, q1, q2;

always@(posedge clock or negedge external_reset) begin
   if (external_reset == 1'b0) begin
      q1 <= 0;
      q2 <= 0;
   end else begin
      q1 <= 1'b1;
      q2 <= q1 ;
