Cyclone V SoC Power Optimization

ID 683713
Date 2/09/2015
Document Table of Contents Requirements

  • LTC LTPowerPlay Tool.
  • LTC DC1613A USB to I2C controller.
  • Board must have a DC1613A compatible connector. Refer to the DC1613A Compatible Connector figure.
Note: Minor board re-work may be required. It's likely that the board you're using has zero ohm resistors that prevent the USB from being a master on the I2C bus for communicating with the LTC2978A devices.
Figure 4. DC1613A Compatible Connector
Figure 5. Schematic Representation of 0 Ohm HPS and FPGA Resistors
Figure 6. Microscope View of Resistors
Figure 7. Relative Position of Resistors

Once these resistors are removed, the on-board I2C connectivity to the LTC power management ICs is disabled, meaning the HPS can no longer read temperature from LTC2978As, etc. These aspects must now be read through the LTpowerPlay GUI.