Visible to Intel only — GUID: iga1409780424531
1.3.1. FPGA Power Consumption
1.3.2. FPGA Portion Power Down
1.3.3. FPGA Power Off Step 1: Board Design (Power Rail) Choices
1.3.4. FPGA Power Off Step 2: Quiet FPGA
1.3.5. FPGA Power Off Step 3: Power Off the FPGA
1.3.6. FPGA Power Off Step 4: Wake up Event for Power on and FPGA Configuration
1.3.7. FPGA Power Off Step 5: Power On and FPGA Reconfiguration Time Considerations
1.5.1. Power Monitoring and Measurement
1.5.2. Cyclone V SoC Development Kit Power Management ICs
1.5.3. Cyclone V SoC Development Kit Power Monitor Application
1.5.4. LTC LTpower Play Tool
1.5.5. Using the LTC2978A Linux Driver
1.5.6. Power Measurement Results on Cyclone V SoC Development Kit
1.5.7. Document Revision History
Visible to Intel only — GUID: iga1409780424531
Ixiasoft Linux Instructions
- Unzip to a directory with the following command:
- unzip -d <directory><name of ZIP>
Be sure to explicitly create the top level directory “<directory>” as the development kit contents do not have a top level directory as part of the archive.
- Change to the <Kit install directory>/examples/board_test_system sub-directory. Run "java -jar pt.jar".
Note: In order for the Power Monitor to function, the FPGA must be configured with a compatible design. Refer to the User Guide that is part of the kit installation for further detail.Figure 3. Altera Power Management Application Main User Interface
- The HPS rails and the power consumption are on the left. The FPGA rails are on the right. Click Start in the Controls group to start sampling power at three speeds: slow, medium, and fast.
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