Intel® Agilex™ Configuration User Guide

ID 683673
Date 7/05/2022

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7.5. Understanding SEUs

SEUs are rare, unintended changes in the state of an FPGA's internal memory elements caused by cosmic radiation effects. The change in state is a soft error and the FPGA incurs no permanent damage. Because of the unintended memory state, the FPGA may operate erroneously until background scrubbing fixes the upset.

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software offers several features to detect and correct the effects of SEU, or soft errors, and to characterize the effects of SEU on your designs. LSM firmware provides SEU single bit error and double adjacent bit error detection and correction. The multi-bit error and non-adjacent bit error are detected, but cannot be corrected. Additionally, some Intel FPGAs contain dedicated circuitry to help detect and correct errors.

For more information about SEUs, refer to Intel® Agilex™ SEU Mitigation User Guide.