Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents

2.3. Platform Designer System Design Flow

You can use the Platform Designer GUI to quickly create and customize a Platform Designer system for integration with an Intel® Quartus® Prime project. Alternatively, you can perform many of the functions available in the Platform Designer GUI at the command-line, as Platform Designer Command-Line Utilities describes.

When you create a system in the GUI, Platform Designer creates a .qsys file that represents the system in your Intel® Quartus® Prime software project.

Figure 2.  Platform Designer System Design Flow

The circled numbers in the diagram correspond with the following topics in this chapter:

  1. Creating or Opening a Platform Designer System
  2. Adding IP Components to a System
  3. Connecting System Components
  4. Specifying Interconnect Parameters
  5. Specifying Signal and Interface Boundary Requirements
  6. Synchronizing System Component Information
  7. Validating System Integrity
  8. Generating a Platform Designer System
  9. Generating Simulation Files for Platform Designer Systems and IP Variants
  10. Adding a System to an Intel Quartus Prime Project