Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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9.2.16. Callback Properties


This list describes each type of callback. Each command may only be available in some callback contexts.
Name Description
ACTION Called when an ACTION display item's action is performed.
COMPOSITION Called during instance elaboration when the IP component contains a subsystem.
EDITOR Called when the IP component is controlling the parameterization editor.
ELABORATION Called to elaborate interfaces and signals after a parameter change. In API 9.1 and later, validation is called before elaboration. In API 9.0 and earlier, elaboration is called before validation.
GENERATE_VERILOG_SIMULATION Called when the IP component uses a custom generator to generates the Verilog simulation model for an instance.
GENERATE_VHDL_SIMULATION Called when the IP component uses a custom generator to generates the VHDL simulation model for an instance.
GENERATION Called when the IP component uses a custom generator to generates the synthesis HDL for an instance.
PARAMETER_UPGRADE Called when attempting to instantiate an IP component with a newer version than the saved version. This allows the IP component to upgrade parameters between released versions of the component.
STRUCTURAL_COMPOSITION Called during instance elaboration when an IP component is represented by a structural hierarchical model which may be different from the generated RTL.
VALIDATION Called to validate parameter ranges and report problems with the parameter values. In API 9.1 and later, validation is called before elaboration. In API 9.0 and earlier, elaboration is called before validation.