Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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2.10. Specifying Signal and Interface Boundary Requirements

If you export an interface that does not match the interface requirements of the system, Platform Designer generates component instantiation errors. You must match all the exported interfaces with the interface requirements of the system.

The Interface Requirements tab allows you to assign a component's top-level HDL module signals to an interface, specify the expected signal and interface boundary requirements for the interface, and to resolve any interface requirement mismatches. You can also modify the signal names in an exported interface.

  1. Click View > Interface Requirements.
  2. To load the interface requirements from a Platform Designer system, click Import Interface Requirements in the Interface Requirements table. Select the .ipxact representation of the Platform Designer system.
  3. To manually add new interface or signal requirements, click <<add interface>> or <<add signal>> in the Interface Requirements table.
  4. To correct the mismatches, select the missing or mismatched interface or signal in the Current System table and click >>.
    Note: Platform Designer highlights the mismatches between the system and interface requirements in blue, and highlights the missing interfaces and signals in green.
  5. To rename an exported signal or interface, use any of the following methods:
    • Double-click the signal or interface in Current System table.
    • Select the signal or interface in the Current System table and press F2.
    • Select the signal or interface in the Current System table and rename from the Current Parameters pane at the bottom of the tab. The Current Parameters pane displays all the parameters of the selected interface or signal.
    Figure 37. Interface Requirements Tab