Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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6.12.7. Ordering Model

Platform Designer does not support out of order command response. Platform Designer processes AXI subordinates as device non-bufferable memory types.

The following describes the required behavior for the device non-bufferable memory type:

  • Write response must be obtained from the final destination.
  • Read data must be obtained from the final destination
  • Transaction characteristics must not be modified.
  • Reads must not be pre-fetched. Writes must not be merged.
  • Non-modifiable read and write transactions.

(AWCACHE[1] = 0 or ARCACHE[1] = 0) from the same ID to the same subordinate must remain ordered. The interconnect always provides responses in the same order as the commands issued. subordinates that support reordering provide a constant transaction ID to prevent reordering. AXI subordinates that do not reorder are provided with transaction IDs, which allows exclusive accesses for such subordinates.