Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents add_display_item


Specifies the following aspects of the IP component display:
  • Creates logical groups for an IP component's parameters. For example, to create separate groups for the IP component's timing, size, and simulation parameters. An IP component displays the groups and parameters in the order that you specify the display items in the _hw.tcl file.
  • Groups a list of parameters to create multi-column tables.
  • Specifies an image to provide representation of a parameter or parameter group.
  • Creates a button by adding a display item of type action. The display item includes the name of the callback to run.


Main Program


add_display_item <parent_group> <id> <type> [<args>]



Specifies the group to which a display item belongs
The identifier for the display item. If the item being added is a parameter, this is the parameter name. If the item is a group, this is the group name.
The type of the display item. Refer to Display Item Kind Properties.
args (optional)
Provides extra information required for display items.


add_display_item "Timing" read_latency PARAMETER
add_display_item "Sounds" speaker_image_id ICON speaker.jpg


The following examples illustrate further illustrate the use of arguments:

  • add_display_item groupName id icon path-to-image-file
  • add_display_item groupName parameterName parameter
  • add_display_item groupName id text "your-text"

    The your-text argument is a block of text that is displayed in the GUI. Some simple HTML formatting is allowed, such as <b> and <i>, if the text starts with <html>.

  • add_display_item parentGroupName childGroupName group [tab]

    The tab is an optional parameter. If present, the group appears in separate tab in the GUI for the instance.

  • add_display_item parentGroupName actionName action buttonClickCallbackProc